
There’s a Why Not Girl! in all of us. 

Whether you’re training for your first marathon, planning a girls’ weekend with your best friends or thinking about taking up a new hobby, you’re a Why Not Girl!  Why Not Girl! is about inspiring our inner risk taker and adventure seeker at every age.  A Why Not Girl! sees every day as a chance to try something new.  Frankly, a Why Not Girl says, “Why Not!.”

Why Not Girl! is not just a website.  It’s a frame of mind.  This site serves as a place to inspire and be inspired.  It is a place for all Why Not Girls! to share not only how we say “Why Not!” in dealing with life’s major milestones, but also the everyday adventures we take part in without blinking an eye.  It is a place to celebrate the beauty of living life.

Life’s an Adventure!  Be a Why Not Girl!  

WhyNotGirl! Founder and Editor-In-Chief Lauren McCabe


Meet Lauren

Like many Why Not Girls!, it has taken me a while to realize that I am in fact a Why Not Girl!  As I was approaching my 30th birthday, I evaluated what has made me happy and proud of who I have come.  I realize that it is not material things or a prominent title at work, but the mulitude of life experiences I have been so fortunate to have.  Whether it was deciding to move across the country for college or taking a severance package and going to Europe for a month or getting a part-time job as a food tour guide, I am learning that life is about saying “Why Not!” and not letting adventures pass you by.   

I hope you are inspired by what you read and inspire others with your own “Why Not!” stories.

Life is an Adventure!  Be a Why Not Girl!

– Lauren

A native of New Jersey, Lauren has moved across the country (twice!) to live in Tucson, Arizona and Washington, D.C..  Lauren currently lives in Chicago, Illinois.

4 Responses to About

  1. Lauren Dempsey says:

    Why not mount a real bucking bull and try to be a cowboy for a day?? You McCabe’s are pretty nuts! Lol

  2. Oh, you know that video is going to land itself on this website! Cowgirl Kelly, here we come!

  3. Colleen Kelly says:

    Hey Lauren! This is an awesome website and congrats! Can’t wait to read more 🙂 hope all is well!
    ❤ Colleen

    • Thanks so much, Colleen!! It’s an idea I’ve had for a while since I am so passionate about the topic and it has become so integral in my life. Thanks for reading and sharing!

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